TreeCalc in practice.
Philip van Wassenaer
Consulting arborist, Urban Forrest Innovations, Canada
Trees can pose a danger to public safety. Hollow tree trunks attract increased scrutiny because of their importance as habitats for tree-dwelling animals. So how safe is a hollow tree? Can it be preserved with a clear conscience? To what extent should the crown be pruned back? TreeCalc is the first browser-independent software to offer online structural tree analysis - worldwide.
► Use it now! if(strlen($data["buttontext"]) != 0) { ?>How affect wood pecker holes, cavities or decay the safety of tree stems high above the ground?
With the new version you also can evaluate stem defects in higher areas of a tree stem.
Just measure the height of the defect above ground level, determine the stem diameter at the compromised spot and estimate the bark thickness. Now you can calculate the breaking safety at the damaged spot.