How to sign up?

After you have registered at treecalc.com you will receive an email containing a link to activate your account. When you have opened the link, you will be able to log in with your password and access TreeCalc.com via your internet browser. To see your personal information and to change the settings, click on the button in the top left-hand corner of the screen.

What is calculated?

The calculations take into consideration the wind load affecting the surface of the tree crown, the material properties of green wood, and the stem's geometry.

The wind load assumptions that are used in the calculations are those stated in the current European standard EN 1991-4-1/NA:2012-12. The material properties of green wood originate both from what is known as the Stuttgarter Festigkeitskatalog (Wessolly, L. 1989) and from comprehensive studies carried out in England by Gwendolyne Lavers (The strength properties of timber. Building Research Establishment Report, HMSO, London. Lavers, G. M., 1983). It is also possible to estimate the influence that cavities, notches or openings in the stem might have with regard to public safety.

The calculation will result in the display of a safety factor for the tree under inspection. If crown reduction is necessary and feasible, a crescent-shaped cutting contour will also be displayed with specific reduction parameters (in m and %). If this measure is likely to reduce the overall stability of the tree and thus shorten its lifespan, it may be advisable to remove the tree completely. This recommendation should, however, be carefully appraised.

Where are the limits of the method?

TreeCalc.com can only ever constitute a source of information that is supplementary to the initial visual inspection of a tree. TreeCalc has been developed for experienced users who have had substantial training in arboriculture and, moreover, have basic knowledge of tree statics.

The TreeCalc.com method of estimating how safe a tree is will help users to assess the failure risk of free-standing trees with stem diameters of 40 cm or more. This risk cannot be reliably estimated for younger trees, groups of trees or even stands of trees (e.g. forests).

How does the handling of payements work?

Payment of the user fees is carried out via a secure connection to a payment portal. This is provided, checked for security purposes and maintained by Heidelberger Payment GmbH in connection with HUELLEMANN & STRAUSS ONLINESERVICES S.à r.l.

Who`s behind TreeCalc.com?

TreeCalc.com was created by the tree experts agency Brudi & Partner-TreeConsult and is based on scientific studies and their findings.

TreeCalc.com is a state-of-the-art, independent software tool. Other similar calculation methods may give different results. This one single factor, however, does not mean that any particular method is superior to another.

TreeCalc.com makes it possible to closely approximate a genuine crown profile, thereby almost achieving the status of a true wind load analysis.

The following people were involved in the development of TreeCalc.com software:
Andreas Detter, Erk Brudi, Eva Mauz, Frank Bischoff, Hanna Nimmenich, Oliver Berger, Ondrej Svoboda
The programming was done by pds in Brno, Czech Republic.